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There are no current employment opportunities available
Contract Academic Staff
Contract Academic Staff, Master of Marriage and Family Therapy Program GMFT-7564 (Spring)
Contract Academic Staff, Master of Marriage and Family Therapy Program GMFT-7571 (Spring)
Contract Academic Staff, Master of Marriage and Family Therapy Program GMFT-7577 (Spring)
Departmental Technician, Department of Theatre and Film *Sessional*
Laboratory Technician, Department of Chemistry *Term*
Risk and Insurance Manager, Finance-Insurance/Risk Management
Senior Executive
Research Support
Research Assistant, Department of German-Canadian Studies "Work Study Program" *Repost*
Research Assistant, Socio-Economic Benefits of Inland Freshwater Fisheries in Manitoba
Senior Research Assistant, Communicator Assistance through Research and Emotional Support Project *Repost*
Senior Research Assistant, Observation of Jury Selections Across Canada
Senior Research Assistant, Studies of Quantum Materials
Academic Support
Marker II, BUS-3240: Consumer Behaviour (Winter 2025)
Marker II, EDUC-2511 (004): Learning Theory (Winter 2025)
Teaching Assistant, REL-2304: Atheism, Skepticism & Religion (Winter 2025)
Teaching Assistant, REL-2306: Modern Christianity (Winter 2025)
Tutor, Business and Administration (Fall 2024/Winter 2025/Spring 2025)
Tutor, ECON 1000/2000 Level Courses (Fall 2024/Winter 2025/Spring 2025)
Collegiate Instructors
English Language Program Instructors